Amelia Island holly

Amelia Island holly
Amelia sand dune

Thursday, June 20, 2013


This morning, as I took my early morning walk, my reflections walked along with me.  A strange evening electrical storm had left its calling cards everywhere.  The storm was unlike anything we have seen here.  It lit up the horizon constantly for nearly a half a hour like some sort of celebration.  Except that the continuous lighting flashing across the sky reminded one of the tremendous power inherent in such a display.  It went on and on and on....silently except for far away thunder,  Now, today, only puddles and bits of fallen branches remind us of what we witnessed.

Such an event makes one think.  I caught the photo above as the hard pavement reflected a clearing sky and one of our beautiful Georgia pines.  For once I had my little red camera with me.  As I walked along I then met one of our neighbors....this prompted more reflections on my part. I will tell you why in a moment.  But introduction:

  This is Shadow.  She is twenty-two years old!!  Yes: 22 !!!  Usually she can be seen napping on her front driveway.  But, sometimes she is out and about as she was this morning when she came to greet me.  We have seen her walking along with no leash following her mistress with their dog who is on a leash!  It is a sight to see.  This is a cat with personality and one who enjoys longevity
..maybe they are linked??

Shadow reminded me of what a New England cardiologist once told me.  She said that in her practice she found, on average, her patients who spent at least 6 months a year on a warm climate lived longer.  Sounded good to me.  So we added an island, just to boost the possibilities.

Walking farther along, I came upon a profusion of hydrangeas in a neighbor's yard.  Another reminderthat  Florida Island living is kind to: people, cats, and flowers....

                           p.s.      I used some artistc iPhoto editing license with my photo...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

How to tickle a lizard and other important things....

But, first....I am so proud of this photo!

Farmer's Market photo of the day from my wee little red camera....

Walking downtown we often hear foreign languages from passing  tourists. There are often large sailing vessels in port, especially the American River tours.  But, I do not think that universality registered with me. Then today I received a repin for one of my Pinterest Amelia island photos from a Pinner living in San Antonio, Texas.  She, in turn, had repinned a photo from a British website  This photo below came through that internet journey: the article : Top 10 U.S. Islands.

A very pretty photo of our downtown.
At various times of the day, the sidewalks are filled with strollers, including us.

If you do not know what Pinterest is....check it out.  You will
never be the same.


Now to something silly, but perhaps useful some day?

Photo taken in front of a historic home downtown.  Our model : an obliging gecko 
who appeared and stayed still for as long as I needed.... 

"The time to tickle a lizard,
is before, or after, a blizzard.
Now, the place to begin
is just under his chin,-
And here's more advice:
don't poke more than twice
at an intimate place
like his gizzard."

                                                    Theodore Roethke

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Another day in paradise

Well, almost anyway....
John Grisham, the author thinks so....he will soon move here.

Look how nostalgiac our sweet historic downtown looked over the weekend....this photo reminds of treed streets that are no more where I grew up.

People even come here to get married! I just caught this scene meandering through the streets in one of our wonderful horse drawn buggies.  When one of these steeds has a birthday, they throw a party for him or her.  They are well loved.

Best wishes you two...your smiles and happiness lit up the day.